When It Comes to Adventure, British Columbia Has It All!

The Latin motto of this gorgeous province in Canada is splendor sine occasu which means splendor without diminishment and that pretty much sums up the omnipresence of the natural beauty of the mountains. Whether you are staying in a remote bed and breakfast in Tofino (the most eastern point in Canada) or in a downtown bed and breakfast in busy Vancouver you will notice the damp rain forest climate and the majesty of the sea and mountains.  Even when you are indoors you feel like it is outdoors on colder days so bring warm clothes.


Although Vancouver  (Vancouver Candad, not Washington) is its busiest metropolis, Victoria, which is located on an island offshore (the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island) is the actual capital of British Columbia. Victoria is a unique community filled with artists and visionaries who have kept the original gingerbread quality of the original town architecture intact. There are many small and friendly Victorian style British Columbia beds and breakfasts lining the streets of this charming city.


British Columbia camp gorunds are practically everywhere in this province as each town has so many different scenic or cultural features. Kelowna and Kamloops, for instance, are slightly warmer fruit growing regions that are famous for their wines.  Nanaimo on Vancouver Island is well known for its Indian culture.


You will also find British Columbia beds and breakfasts thriving in the small towns and on roadsides that run through the beautiful and majestic Rocky Mountains. The small rural towns of Penticton, Oliver, and Osoyoos have some of the warmest and longest summer climates in Canada and are ideal places to spend a holiday.


British Columbia is famous for several foods including blueberries, maple syrup and salmon. It is not unusual at all to find cold salmon, blueberry jam and maple syrup as part of the morning meal at many British Columbia beds and breakfasts.


The more north you go the harder it will be to find British Columbia motels or campgrounds. The northern two-thirds of the province is largely unpopulated and undeveloped, and is mostly mountainous so you are not likely to find bed and breakfast type accommodation. You will however find ski resorts and large luxurious spas and hotels hidden way up in the mountains.  If you realy want to rough it and be adventurous hire a helicopter and visit a remote spot at the top of the world like Lake Louise.