More Gifts of Bacon

In this article we are going to continue along with the previous blog’s theme, which is all about finding gifts for the bacon lover in your life. And what DUDE does not love bacon?

You have probably heard that soap is made from pig fat but why not go further and buy your bacon loving friend one bar of lovely Bacon Soap. It smells just like bacon and he can smell like his favorite pork cut all day long.  The Bacon hygiene does not stop at soap. You can also buy Bacon flavored toothpaste for that great “almost clean” feeling and balcony –fresh breath and you can also get bacon flavored dental floss so that delicious taste gets between your teeth.  There is also a Bacon Roll On Perfume that has been made that might be a nice gift for the bacon-loving dude’s girlfriend.

Do you love to talk about bacon on your cell phone to your other dude friends all day. If so why not celebrate the joy of your love of talking about bacon by encasing that smart phone in a Bacon iPhone case. Now that says “macho” just as the wide tie that is made to look like a large single strip of bacon does.  It will only cost you forty dollars to pay for such an elegant tie.

Does your dude friend have a kinky girlfriend?  If so, think about buying the lovely couple a Bacon Whip.  This is a whip, that has bacon strips made of fabric, instead of the usual cat-o-nine tails.  You can also get a bacon loving woman a charm bracelet that has nothing but tiny bacon red and white bacon charms hanging from it.

If it’s the Dude’s birthday then you can also consider icing his cake with Bacon frosting. This is not that bad of an idea, especially if the cake it is going on is made of flavor that compliments the bacon icing flavor such as Maple. There is also an excellent cookbook all about bacon by Eliza Cross called 101 Things to Do With Bacon.

Finally you can wrap up all of your gifts in bacon with specially made Bacon wrap, which is wrapping paper with a print of crispy fried bacon all over it.  It also makes a nice wrapping just simply for a gift a real gourmet bacon. Just plant a little gold bow on top of the package and you have quite a respectably packaged gift for the bacon lover in your life.