Scuba Diving in Dahab

Dahab, Egypt is a premier diving site located on the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea. Dahab is an exotic place that aside from the great diving also has camel rides in the desert and many charming outdoor markets. Visitors also enjoy kite-surfing, wind surfing and hikes up to the top of Mount Sinai.  This is not a large city and the five huge hotels in the area mainly support it.  The East Delta bus company goes through the center of town every day so you can take a bust to a larger city like Cairo.


The water at Dahab is warm all year long and varies from 20 degree Celsius to 28 degrees in the summer.  It is a very hot place with daily outdoor temperatures of 28 degrees. However at night it is only sixteen degrees.


This place is great if you are not that used to scuba diving. The beach slopes and is very sandy allowing a gentle decent into the reefs where you can view coral, mantras and large tuna.  Diving here you will see a great diversity of marine life including Clown fish, turtles, octopus, Glassfish, Pufferfish, Sea Moths, Sea horses, Stonefish, Leopard Sharks and Manta Rays.


There are several spectacular places to dive in the area. One place is known as The Canyon. This is a cone shaped reef with a hole in the top that you can dive into that is almost like another world because it is almost closed over.  There is also a shallow pool on the beach called Eel Garden where you can watch schools of morays slither and scatter among the most beautiful coral gardens.  There are also caverns with gardens full of brilliant red sea anemones called The Caves.

Dhaba is one of the most beautiful and accessible places to dive in the whole word because divers can just wade in swim to reefs teeming with all kind of exotic fish.  The main diving entry point is called The Blue Hole. The water has a high saline content thanks to the frequent underwater volcanoes in the area so it is always comfortable to swim in.  A lot of the fish species and coral found in thief world are completely unique to only this part of the world.