San Francisco’s Wild Hills, Asian Girls and Alcatraz

The good thing about San Francisco is that despite its reputation for being a gay city it is a great place to pick up girls. There are too many girls per guy in San Francisco and the women who live there are dying to see a real man for a change.  Dudes that have been there say it is like shooting fish and a barrel.


It is also easy to make friends of any kind in San Francisco simply because it is the second most densely populated city in the United States.  Chances are really good that you can meet someone very interesting.  If you like Asian girls you could meet one here because there is a huge Japanese, Chinese and Korean population here.  San Francisco is a University Town so expect any women here you meet to be very hip, very smart and on the left.  If you are a gay dude, well, you hit pay dirt coming here if you are looking to make friends.


There are many must-see tourist sites in San Francisco including the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island (that houses the famous home of the Birdman of Alcatraz), the Transamerica Pyramid and Chinatown. In fact the San Francisco treat is not likely Ricearoni but rather the haute fusion Asian French cuisine and fresh sushi that can be found in many of San Francisco’s famous eateries.


San Francisco is a boon for art lovers. The city has always been a magnet for America’s counterculture. Beat Generation writers lived in the North Beach neighborhood in the 1950s. Hippies flocked to Haight-Ashbury in the 1960s. In the 1970s, the city became a center of the gay rights movement. To this day, San Francisco is still a center for spiritual thinking. Don’t be surprised if you are served organic foods only and given the option to yoga, as this is typical at many San Francisco hotels and motels.


San Francisco is also famous for its hills, which are defined as elevations over 100 feet high. There are a total of 43 hills within the San Francisco city limits. Some neighborhoods are named after the hill on which they are situated, including Nob Hill, Pacific Heights, Russian Hill, Potrero Hill, and Telegraph Hill. Half the fun of visiting San Francisco is to a slow roller coaster on a trolley car home to your San Francisco but it is also great to go up and down on those hills on your roller skates or on your board.