The Best Drinking Festivals in the World

If you love drinking then you have quite a few festivals you can travel to in order to celebrate the vice in style.  Some of these festivals are also centuries old.

A good example ois the Pilsenr Urquell Festival in Pilsen in the Czech Republic which is always celebrated at the end of August.  It has been celebrated since 1842.  The festival includes music, food and a golf tournament.

Also in Ocotber is the Tequila Expo held from October 10 to 14 in Tijuana, Mexico. Over 100 tequila makrs from across Mexico gathr uner one roof and offer free tastings.

Every year the Food & Wine and Rum Festival is heald between the 16th and 19th of November in Barbados.  Aside from alll of the rum tastings visitors are given the opportunity to enjoy many different types of Bajan street cuisine and music from steel drum bands.

If you love Socttich Whisky then you will want to visit speyside Scotland the first week of May every year when fifty of the finest distilleries in the area of Speyside Scotland are celebrated (including Glenlivet and Glenfiddich.)   The festival usuall features over 300 events that celebrat the culture and heritage of Scotland.

Another great drinking festival in the United Kingdom is The Great British Beer Festival (GBBBF) that offers visitors beers from all over the world including Japan, Nigeria and Sri Lanka.  The festival usually also features beer from over 1,000 breweries across the U.K..  The GBBF is usually heald the last week of August.

One of the most famous drinking festivals in the world is the 16 day beer swilling festival that lasts from the 21st of September through to October 6 in Munich, Germany. Usually seven million litres of beer and 300,000 pork sausages are eaten during this weel-known drunken gorge-fest.

Slightly more sophisticated is London Cocktail Week which is held on the streets of Convent Garden. You pay an admission and then visit pop-up bars and new recipes and products.  This popular festival, that is one of the biggest in the UK, is usually held in mid-October.

If you love Malbec wine then Mendoza, Argentina is where you will want to be the first week of March. This is when the Fiesta Nacionalde la Vedimia is held. This is a wine festival with a great deal of spectacle with 18 different Harvest Queens and gauchos on horseback.