Keep Your Gadgets From Being Stolen While Travelling

If  you are on the road in the foreign country it is not a good idea to show off your latest Samsung Android or iPad.  In some areas of the world, theives will literally kill to get thir hands on these things. The problem with showing off your high end phones, pads and pods si public places is that it can invite the wrong kind of attention.  Often the gadget you simply purchased in a local store in America is one that is simply not available or that would take years to acquire.  It also doesn’t help that American advertising helps create desire for these high-end gadgets in countries that have barely mastered providing plumbign and appliances to homes.  The problem is further worsend by the fact that iPhones and other gadgets are becoming shinier and more attractive with each additional edition.

To keep your high tech gadget from being stolen it is a good idea to turn it down and keep it hidden. Keep the earphones hidden and keep your conversations private.  Don’t use the Speaker phone function and turn the volume off on the ring. Try to choose a cell phone ring that does nto draw a lot of attention to you as you pull it out of your pocket to answer it.  If you must wear the earphones then wear a scarf or hat that conceals them.

You should also pay a lot of attention to your surroundings when you are using these gadgets and try to use them in a situation that is safe as possible. For instance if you are waiting in an isolated bus station in the middle of the mouontains that seems to be full of gang members it is probably not a good time to bring out your iPhone with the $3,000 Austrian crystal case.  Even if your iPhone or other gadget is not that flashy you should try and conceal it somehow.

If at all possible bring an older phone or gadget with you travelling.  A study done in New York found out that when the Apple iPod was released a few years ago there was an 18 percent raise in felonies when shortages of the brand new product happened in the stores. “Be aware that the more in demand your gadget is, the more a petty thief can get for it on the street.

Always lock your phone and other gadgets and make sure that you give your information a password that nobody can guess!